MCDL to Go! Discover Carry-Out Services for All Ages

MCDL to Go! Discover Carry-Out Services for All Ages

Medina County District Library offers several To-Go services that appeal to all ages.

Discovery Packs – Kids love carrying things around in a backpack, especially preschoolers! These clear backpacks feature themed books, a video and a toy all in a handy backpack. Check out nature versions inspired by the Medina County Parks to encourage outdoor fun. Discovery Packs are available for check out at all MCDL locations.

Book Club Bags – These take the work out of running a book club. Have 10 copies the requested book and discussion questions ready for your group at your next meeting. Browse and reserve titles at and pick up your Book Club Bag at your favorite library.

NEW! Memory Care Kits – Finally a kit designed for the care of loved ones living with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other memory and cognitive issues. Each kit contains interactive tools and games, a music CD, photo cards, and discussion starter questions. Maybe most importantly, kits have information and guidance for caregivers. Kits are available for check out at all MCDL locations. Kits debuted in February 2019. Go to for more information.


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