Educational Services

We have a number of amenities to make your visit to the library a productive experience.

Free Wi-Fi

All MCDL library locations have free, filtered wireless Internet access available. Not at the library but need Internet access? Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot. Read our Internet policy.


Desktops & Laptops

Every MCDL location has public computers available for use with your library card number. Medina and Brunswick libraries also have Apple Mac minis which have the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite. Need a library card? It's free for Ohio residents, so get a free library card.


Study Rooms

The Medina, Brunswick and Lodi libraries offer study rooms for use by the public. They provide a quiet atmosphere in which to study or work. Check at the reference desk in those libraries for reservations or to sign in.



Forget a cable or your charger? Ask at one of our Reference desks and check out one with your library card.



Research & Learning

Search newspapers and scholarly articles on a wide-ranging scope of topics. Take an online course to sharpen your skills. These resources are available 24/7. Don't have a library card and just need access to our online databases? Get an eCard.



Offers links for scholarships for Medina County residents of all ages.



Information page offering links for prospective students about financial information, textbooks, rankings and more.



Search our listing of upcoming classes to learn how to use software (like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office) and more.


Proctoring Service

MCDL offers proctoring services at all locations. Please contact your local branch for more information regarding proctoring.


Teachers & Parents


It’s never too early to begin reading to your child. Research shows that children who are read to at an early age have better language skills and a larger vocabulary when they begin school. Our storytimes help your young child become ready to read. Your child will have a great time at our storytimes while we also reinforce six key pre-reading skills. We’ll show you how to help your child’s early literacy development from infancy through the preschool years. Storytime sessions run for five weeks and are held four times per year.


Assignment Alerts

In order to help your students out, let us know of any upcoming assignments in advance. This will allow us to pull in additional books for your students to check out. Fill out the Educator Request Form.


Educator Sets

Educator Sets provide multiple copies of a single title to educators, librarians, and others interested in sharing literature with young people. Dozens of titles are available for grade levels K through 12.


Early Literacy

Our page devoted to promoting early literacy for the little ones of Medina County. Our Children's Librarians provide resources and programs to support parents who are their children's first teachers.


Early Literacy Kits

Share the joys of life-long reading and learning with children with MCDL's Early Literacy Kits! Each Kit contain books, activities, and toys related to a theme. Dozens of unique themes are available. Kits are great to use at home or in the classroom. Click here for more information and to reserve a kit.


Educator Loan Cards

These cards allow you to keep most materials out for a longer amount of time. Ask at the circulation desk for more information and an application form or apply via our online form.


Educator Requests

If you need several books on a certain topic for your classroom to use, let the Library help. Fill out the Educator Request Form online, or ask at your local library branch.



Staff at your local MCDL branch enjoy giving tours! Make arrangements for a visit with your group today.


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