Stroll the Medina Library as artists create
Enjoy snacks while exploring new genres
Enter original poetry or art by February 28

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Public Computers & Wi-Fi

Public Computers

All MCDL locations have public computers available for public use. Our Windows computers have the following software available: Microsoft Office 2016 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher), Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, VLC Media Player, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome. Laptop computers are also available for use within the libraries and may be borrowed at the Reference Desk. Medina and Brunswick Libraries have Apple Mac minis with the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite. 

Tools & Tech

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telescope, ukulele, binoculars, laptop, microphone, and more

MCDL's Tools and Tech collection features items you may need only once, or would like to try before you buy! It includes items many patrons have asked for as well as some you never knew you needed.