Draining of Hinckley Lake

  Dates & times
  • Wed, 10/18/2023 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups All Ages
  Location Highland Library
  Registration & more information https://medinacounty.evanced.info/signup/eventdetails?eventid=49915&lib=3


This program is full and we are not adding any additional registrants to the waiting list.  We will, however,  be simultaneously streaming this presentation via Zoom!  If you would like the Zoom invitation link, please email:  


Also, the presenters have asked that we gather questions ahead of time so please include any of those in your Zoom invitation request.

Shawn McDermott, Chief Planning and Design Officer will be here to explain the Hinckley Dam Rehabilitation Project. Come and ask questions and learn about the improvements this will bring to Hinckley Lake.